the convalescence of things.

19 August 2006

thoughts on emptiness

granted, the roommates are gone for the weekend, so my current emptiness is part superficial.

but there's a touch of irony with this particular brand. it's the kind of emptiness you only feel when someone's filled you up beyond capacity... and then runs off to leave you to wonder.

i feel completely blindsided at the moment; unsure and impatiently curious even moreso. it'd be in my best interest to forget it all and get on with my ridiculously busy life. but somehow i don't think that's going to be the case with this one. pffffff.

don't remember the last time i was this distracted by someone. crikey.

09 August 2006

a curse on you!

to be so in love as to be so intimidated is a terrible terrible feeling.

here's me making the mistake of listening to you-know-who, thinking i'll be inspired, of course, with ridiculous expectations of the influence that you-know-who's music might have over my own songwriting capabilities.

what was i THINKING?!

so i'm back to hating you-know-who.

i have to go now. shopping and all.

you-know-who just came out with a new album and it has blown my mind...

thhhffbbt :p