the convalescence of things.

23 May 2006

in honor of chris samnee

hey chris. thought you'd get a kick out of an old comic i drew for french class during uni. the text is something like, *THE MONKEYS* "what's up?" "there are some guys playing tennis and they are super-cute!" "TO THE WINDOWS!" "oh yeah, they're pretty sexy." *Later that Day* "there are more men playing tennis today." "yeah, but they aren't very cute, no?" "oh... yeah, ewness." "yeah, that's like, *NOT* to the windows."

hahahahahaha. roommate humor is pretty ridiculous. but hey, our apt. was right over the uni's tennis courts, and we were (are) hot-blooded ladies.

anyway. don't think i have much of a career to look forward to in comics. happy tuesday everybody.

06 May 2006

dang it

suckered again.

welcome to yet another online version of me.

maybe this'll be the blog where i write up little vignettes about my life and you tell me whether they're true or not. (laura, sara, and thea are not allowed to play)

so anyway, i was in a phone booth one new year's eve fumbling with my phone card and a post-it that had on it my friend's number. outside of my phone-cocoon the carousers seemed to all be running in one direction, but whatever, i needed to make this call! no time to revel!

after many attempts and still getting the "this user is not available" (except spoken in automated french-speak) i gave up and turned around to find (somewhat to my horror): a passed out drunkard being shuffled to wake up and move by a few police officers. and: a cloud of tear gas headed my way. (and yes, just MY way at this point as literally the entire champs elysees had been cleared and i was left to face the tear gas alone). i have two options here: 1. turn around and focus on breathing only the phone-booth-contained air, or 2. insert myself (and my scooter) 100 yds ahead into the mob of people. i, of course opted for choice C. which was to traverse the champs elysees (and tear gas) and wheel off in to the dark, deserted alleys and hope i can find my way home without street lights or a map.

i returned home unscathed... except for a small bruise on my pelvic bone from when i tried to hurdle a metal barrier and consequently got felt up by some lebanese sleeze-bag.